Business English / Advanced C1-C2

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Comprehension Check

Moje EUO

Přidání do sekce Moje EUO je dostupné pouze pro přihlášené uživatele.

  1. Is sarcasm a good idea?
  2. If your colleague feels “under the weather”, it means he...
  3. What is a crucial thing to be taken into consideration before playing an office prank?
  4. “I hope you're as head over heels about this idea as I am” means
  5. Which of the options best completes this sentence? “You don't risk...”
  6. Which phrasal verb best matches the meaning in capitals? “Most people enjoy STAYING INFORMED with pop culture, so why not create a friendly competition around it?”
  7. What can a comic touch at work help to make?
  8. How do 91% executives surveyed by Robert Halt International feel about a sense of humor at work?
  9. What should a funny file consist of?
  10. If you want to make an office afternoon in a park, you...

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